
Showing posts from January, 2017

TV Advertisement Evaluation

The Brief Our project brief was to "re-position " a Unilever product, by making it desirable for a different target audience than the one it already has. Unilever is a large multi-national consumer goods company, therefore creating an extensive selection of products. We decided to re-brand Pot Noodle as we felt it had a particularly specific target audience, which is typically 18-25 year old retrosexual males. We thought it would be an interesting challenge to try and appeal Pot Noodle to an upmarket audience.  Finished Product and Feedback We collected peer feedback and comments about our advert by creating a survey using GoogleForms. GoogleForms is an excellent service and a great way to collect information and views on your project. By creating your own questions and answers, it provides you with the opportunity to collect the exact data you require. I feel as though our advert was appropriately advertised in a way that would attract the attention of our t

TV Advertisement Production Diary

5/1/17 Today we decided upon which Unilever product we shall be re-branding (Pot Noodle), to what new target audience (upperclass) and began storyboarding, brainstorming advertisement ideas and collecting the appropriate paperwork. We went to our desired location to inquire whether we could film there but it was shut, meaning we shall try again next lesson. 6/1/17 We continued story boarding (completing 1 1/2 pages) and returned to our location to ask if we could film there. The canteen staff told us that we could film there after 3:15 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We began filling in our risk assessment and went to search for a costume and discovered that our college already had a chef's outfit. Kai also filled out his minor talent release form. 19/1/17 Today we continued filming our advertisement. We've made good progress and are about 3/4 of the way through. It seems to be coming together and I'm happy with the shots that we've made so far.  23/1/17