
Showing posts from November, 2016

The Pre-Production Process

We were required to create a 90 second short film for DepicT!, an international web based short film competition that challenges filmmakers to produce a short film in under two minutes. You can find out more about DepicT! here; We used two different ways to distribute our production, initially posting it onto Youtube, a video sharing website. Once we had posted it, each of our team then posted links onto each of our personal social media accounts. Another obvious way to distribute it would be to enter our production into the DepicT! competition. Although we were required to create a short film for this particular project, there are many other mediums in which to create moving images, such as; Feature Films (also known more commonly as a motion picture, movie or just film) - a film with a running time that is long enough to be considered the sole feature to fill a programme. Trailers - a short film containing extracts of a feature film, usually...

DepicT! Video Textual Analysis

For this task, we were assigned groups and had to create a 90 minute short film. We settled upon the idea of a group of friends talking, but one seems to be an outcast (made obvious by always being on the end of or slightly behind the rest of the group, no-one looks at him or speaks to him) and doesn't speak throughout the entire conversation, until upon reflection the group begin to discuss an incident that occurred a few months prior. At this point he tells one of the group that it wasn't his fault, and as his friends stand up and walk away, he remains and begins to fade. Using this effect made it apparent to the audience that he was a ghost, and this subconsciously causes the viewer to realise that he was the friend that was killed in the accident. Camera Use A range of shot types were used throughout our short film, but the most common was a medium close up as this shot type seemed the most appropriate to use when filming the characters talking, and the film is p...

DepicT! - Location Recce, Production Schedule, Risk Assessment and Talent Releases


DepicT! - Storyboards


DepicT! - Initial Ideas
